
Research and Outreach Award 2017 announcement

On the last day of 2017, everyone do their best to show their performance.

There are currently 16 students that started last year and at the beginning with 5 members. Blessed with excellent collaborators (assistant professors / students), I enjoy a pleasant research life. How many years will you spend time together with them? I want to share emotional moments as much as possible.

Now, looking back on this year’s laboratory on New Year’s Eve, we will commend here a proud student who excels at one thing and excites the laboratory. The title is “Research Outreach Award 2017 @ Yamaguchi Lab”.

Now, looking back on this year’s laboratory on New Year’s Eve, I will post all the achievements of a proud student who excels at one thing and excites the laboratory. The title is “Research Outreach Award 2017 @ Yamaguchi Lab”.

研究部門 Research award

The award for research. Everyone are doing their best but this year we select the best 7 awards (including the newcomer award)

モスト論文数アワード Number of papers

Number of papers but not papers. The name of the award has already collapsed but the glorious award is a one-year master’s course Isshiki-kun with 2 papers. If you include doctoral students who are still in Nagoya, you will find 4 reports by Kyose Hirose (Doctor 3rd year) followed by 3 reports by Makoto Suzuki (Doctor 3rd year). Kun was chosen. Mr. Isshiki is already one of the leading candidates next year because one review is already published early in the year and one is preparing to submit a paper. Although there is a gap in the theme and there are places where we cannot talk about the number of papers, the content is the most important factor to improve the student’s ability.


モスト実験数アワード Number of experiments

The student with the highest number of experiments followed the above, followed by Isshiki, master’s student. I don’t think more can be done but we know that the number of experiments will fluctuate depending on the theme. The number of experiments is important for experimental chemistry. If you do as many as you can, the possibility of getting new excitement and excitement (mostly discouraged) will increase. Toshimasa-kun, Okita, who has a master’s degree has reached a very good base but has achieved two crowns by Isshiki-kun.

モスト実験数アワード ルーキー部門 Number of experiments (for rookies)

Since the number of experiments is completely different between the 4th grade and the master’s degree, a rookie version was also made. It was quite dead heat but I would like to confer to Kouta Ishitobi who is also experimenting today (December 31). We have changed themes in various ways but the novel reaction we finally found was published and we are working on the submission for January. At the beginning he seldom do experiments so I guess there are probably many B4 who are disappointed. I won’t lose to such a guy! Please do your best fourth graders!

ベストディスカバリーアワード Discovery

Research is accompanied by unexpected discoveries. If you experience it, you will not be able to stop. This award for the discovery that the staff had never thought of Toshimasa Okita, a 1st year master student. When I added a certain reagent, the reaction efficiency increased dramatically without my words saying, “Well, isn’t it? Thanks to Mr. Okita for practicing the best part of the experiment. I expect a discovery that will make me wonder who can choose next year.

モスト口頭発表アワード Numbers of Oral Presentation

An oral presentation is not possible unless the results are given. In particular, our lab will not send anyone for presentation unless the research has been submitted so it will naturally decrease. The two most presentations were by Takashi Asako-kun , a first year master student. I’m currently synthesizing natural products, so I can’t get much results but I added a theme suddenly from the end of the year to the spring.


モストポスター発表ワード Numbers of Poster Presentation

Poster presentations are also very important because there is no research result. This year’s number of poster presentations are Ishiki-kun and Komatsuda-kun who has a master’s degree. Four posters were presented. Mr. Komatsuda’s theme is Assistant Professor Muto’s original so I would like you to do his best. Poster presentations are also very important.


インプレッシブ分子アワード An impressive molecule

It is no exaggeration to say that creating a good molecule in many ways is the most important issue for our laboratory which deals with molecules. I’m quite worried but I would like to give this award to Ami Saito who is conducting research on biological clock regulatory molecules. A very active molecule discovered unexpectedly at the derivatization stage. The structure has changed only to “Eh? That is it?”, But chemistry is interesting because the world changes.

アウトリーチ部門 Outreach award

In addition to research, we have created six awards this year that have had excellent results in outreach activities.

ベストブログアワード Blog

All members of our lab regularly write blogs on the lab website. I have already introduced it in the blog ranking, but I would like to give this award to Tomoya Hisada, who wrote the article with the highest reader this year. Personally, I like the most mushroom articles.


ベストインスタアワード photogenic

 In addition to the blog, our laboratory uploads pictures of lab members in Instagram. Here are the most popular photos of the year.

That’s why I would like to award the Best Insta Award to Masaaki Komatsuda who posted this. I want to release more photos next year.


ベストディスカッションアワード Disscussion

This year we hosted 6 lectures. So we motivate students who have asked many or good questions. In our laboratory, students ask a lot of questions so this time we decided on content and not numbers. At the lecture by Mr. Masayuki Wasa, Mr. Takayuki Hoshi who dared to ask questions in English even though Mr. Wasa said you may ask questions in Japanese. Hoshi-kun is truly studying carefully. If you can strengthen your body and manage the number of experiments, you will be the top.


ベスト大食いアワード Food fighter

I want people who can eat, drink, sleep and work well. That’s why we are giving this award to two people who have achieved “eating well” as part of it, Kaoru Matsushita (general category) and Ami Saito (woman category). Matsushita-san is a student who eats as much as Okita so he wins. Saito-san eats as much as it doesn’t have to be in the women’s section. I think that Asako and Ishitobi who can’t eat well are writing blogs but it’s a frustrating thing as a bad guy.


モストタレンテッドアワード Most talented

There are various events in the laboratory besides research, but everyone can enjoy together. A drinking party is a big event which is once a month making all guests feel welcomed. It is good to drink and drink a lot, but it can be used if there are any features here. Nakayama Keito-kun is excellent at the drinking party (not limited to drinking). His “Tsubaki no Sora” (Waseda Daiichi Support Song), which belongs to the choral circle is a classic art that is always performed at drinking parties. I liked Hisada-kun’s “Fast Reading of the World’s Fastest Periodic Table of Elements” and I would like to dedicate Moss and the talented award to his singing voice.


モストキティ提供数アワード Kitty

The last is a mysterious award. It is given to the person who donated the most local kitty in the “Asahara Kitty” banner on the Lab page. In other words, I can hear voices from inside and outside, whether it’s Asahara himself or not. Its Ami Saito. To be exact, Ami-kun’s mom and Isshiki-kun’s mom contributed greatly. Actually, I have a lot of cooperation from the third grade. Asahara-kun, do your best.

That is the end of my student ranking.

I always tell my students to build my identity. I’d like you to be able to say that you’re glad you were in your research. Uniqueness generally makes people look attractive. If you couldn’t appear this time, please do your best next year.

I always tell my students to build your own identity. I’d like you to be able to say that you’re glad you are in your research. Uniqueness generally makes people look attractive. If you couldn’t appear this time, please do your best next year.

Happy New Year everyone!

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山口 潤一郎

教授 at 早稲田大学



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