
An article featuring my lab in monthly chemistry

Contributed an article in the November issue of the monthly “Chemicals” (Chemical Doujinshi) released on this 18th of this month. The title is “Chem-Station that aims to be the best media in the world”. I am writing a major title but basically I am writing the history and future prospects of Chem-Station that I operate. This month’s issue has a special feature titled “How Computers change chemistry in research”, which was requested and contributed as one article. The good thing about computer is it has changed from the point of view of chemistry. What has changed and what has not change have been a talk discuss by authors. This is a very interesting feature. Only the first page can be viewed on the web, so if you are interested, please read it and if you wish to read the whole magazine, please purchase “Chemistry”.



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山口 潤一郎

教授 at 早稲田大学



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