
After exam party!

Hi everyone! I am Tobi who people forgets and is a violent man.

The other day, our entrance exam is finally over! The 3 hours of the written test felt long but ended quite quickly too.

Moreover, we waited for the seniors (M1) to mark our papers and when it finishes we know our results. I could not understand and tackle on the questions because it was too difficult. Comparing the questions between entrance exam and lab exam, lab exam is so much harder. We faced such hardships and Takahara-kun managed to get no 1. Congratulations Takahara!

We have worked hard for these two entrance exam and lab exam for less than a month! So what does this mean? A drinking party! The restaurant is the place I wanted to go which is Kinzokura and the second party is a feast at Millennium Party Takadanobaba. Actually, I have interview the next day and I was going to go home earlier. But there is another celebration such as “Kayashima’s acting, ‘Aiai’ “and Asahara “figure”.

It was a fun time and the drinking party continues. Before the alcohol came, I quickly drink Kayashima-kun’s oolong tea and then Isshiki-san was crying which turns to a classic drinking party.

After that, we went to Kokoroba (I couldn’t do it anymore…!) Lastly, I was able to return home safely!

The next day, three of us went to interview feeling hangover. Unlike stories heard from seniors, no results from the interview was heard and Jun-san was very anxious.

I was scolded all the time for dating only during the exam period but I passed! Asahara-kun and Hisada-kun passed as well!

Hisada-kun will study more for about 1 month so I am going to do as many experiment as possible during that time. I won’t lose to him this time!

The next drinking party will be welcoming new B3! I am looking forward to it! ! !

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