
アルケン上でのダンス/カップリング: アルケニルピバレートのcine置換

Cine-Substitution of Enolates: Enolate Dance/Coupling of Cycloalkenyl Pivalates by Nickel Catalysis
Eito Moriya, Kei Muto, and Junichiro Yamaguchi*
ACS Catal. 2024, 14, 10412–10417.
DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.4c02707


 もりえもん渾身作の第一報。4年生からはじめて出すまで4年かかりました。実はこの反応、共著者の武藤くん(現名大特任准教授)が学生の時に見つけた反応。論文の趣旨とは異なるので、引き出しにしまっておきました。2020年コロナ禍でエステルダンス反応が生まれた年に、次の4年生の反応開発はダンス!と決めて、久保(D2)にエステルダンスカップリングの拡張、中原(D2)にアリールダンス、そして守屋(D2)にこのエノーラートダンス/カップリングをテーマとして与えたわけです。それから4年もかかりましたが、着実に進め、ついに中間体の単離と反応機構解明まで至り、意気揚々とJ. Am. Chem. Soc. に投稿したところ、なんとエディターリジェクト。しかも定型文かもしれないですが、Organic Letterにといわれました。悔しくもしっかりカバーレターもかいてACS Catalysisに再投稿。審査まで進みました。結果は、Major Revision。基質の適用範囲が狭いことを理由にかなり強く書かれました。


We acknowledge the reviewer’s concern regarding the scope. However, including the investigation of this substrate scope, a student has been pursuing this research for four years, and it has been quite challenging.

First, we will include a comparison to clarify the differences from the prior studies by Dong and Krische.

  1. Transition metal catalysts: Dong and Krische used palladium (Pd) catalysts, while our study employs nickel (Ni) catalysts. Cine-substitution of enol compounds using Ni catalysts has not been reported before.
  2. Enol compounds: Dong and Krische use enol triflates, while our approach utilizes pivalates, which are different. In our reaction, the reaction does not proceed with OTf, whereas pivalates, having lower oxidative addition capabilities, are challenging with Pd catalysts but advantageous with Ni catalysts.
  3. Types of enol compounds: Dong and his team can use various enol compounds, including tetralone. Krische and his team can also use various enol compounds, although tetralone is not included. On the other hand, our reaction is limited only to tetralone derivatives.
  4. Types of reagents: Dong can react with various carbamoyl chlorides. Krische and his team with various iodoarenes. Our study can react with 1,3-benzoxazoles, cyanides, ketones, and nitrogen nucleophiles with weak nucleophilicity.
  5. Reaction mechanism: Dong employ the Catellani reaction process, while Krische use the deoxygenative Heck reaction process. Our group’s reaction mechanism is distinct, utilizing the enolate dance/coupling process.
  6. Mechanistic studies: Both Dong and Krische have conducted mechanistic studies; however, they have not isolated and characterized the intermediate metal complexes nor conducted reactions from these isolated complexes (they are unable to do so). In contrast, our team has isolated and structurally characterized the metal complexes, conducted reactions with them, and demonstrated translocation.
  7. Journal publication: Dong’s work has been published in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. and Science, while Krische’s studies appear in the J. Am. Chem. Soc. On the other hand, our manuscript was initially submitted to J. Am. Chem. Soc. but was editor-rejected and transferred ACS Catalysis. We are currently preparing a revised manuscript for ACS Catalysis.

Having compared our work with prior studies, we hope it’s clear that while we appreciate the merits and broader substrate scopes in the work of Dong and Krische, our research is fundamentally different, utilizing Ni catalysts, other enol compounds, various nucleophiles, distinct reaction mechanisms, and isolation of intermediate metal complexes. Despite these unique aspects, we understand the reviewers’ desire for a broader substrate generality. However, given the novel aspects of our methodology and the foundational nature of our work, expanding the substrate scope significantly would constitute a considerable extension beyond the current scope of this project. We believe our focused approach provides valuable insights into the Ni-catalyzed cine-substitution process, which has not been previously reported and represents a significant contribution to the field. We hope the reviewers can appreciate the distinctiveness and the scientific value of our work as presented.

つまりNiとPdでも全然違いますし、先行研究はOTfなんですよ。彼のやつはOPivで全然レベル(反応性)が違う。反応機構もまるで違うし、機構解明のために中間体の錯体単離までやっている(他はやっていない)。他はJACSとScienceでなぜこれがACS Catalysisでブツブツいわれないといけないのかということです(そこまで書きながらSIはかなりバージョンアップさせましたが)。


