
Kaimen Torisen First Anniversary~

On September 12th, it was the first anniversary of the opening of “Kaimen Torisen noodle chicken”.

I have introduced it several times on the blog (first appearance, second time, third time) and I have eaten at this ramen shop many times since its opening last year.

Today is the first anniversary of the opening of the store so all the lab men went to the store to convey their congratulations and gratitude (and to eat a limited menu).

Related ranking:ラーメン | 高田馬場駅下落合駅西早稲田駅

The first anniversary limited menu is a remake version of Ahijo Tsukemen which was also a limited menu last winter.

With the image of Ahjio, either a tomato sauce or curry sauce as a soup for refill.

I chose tomato sauce so after enjoying the rich Ajillo and refreshed it with a tomato sauce.

Next, I will introduce the menus I have eaten so far!

Last but not least, thank you, Torisen for the delicious ramen.

After eating Torisen with filled stomach, I am so motivated to do my experiment.

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卒業生。この1年で7キロ増量!! ださいたま出身。



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