
The 64th Organometallic Chemistry Conference

From September 7 to 9, we have participated in the 64th Organometallic Chemistry Conference held at Tohoku University, Kawauchi Campus!

There were oral presentations from various teachers and students for three days. Even if you say “organometallic” in short, it seems to be a complex or an inorganic one … really a wide range of research. I think I have to study more.

On the second day, there were short talk & poster announcement where  Komatsuda and Isshiki presented.

It was a great opportunity to have a serious discussion about the research themes with those who specialize in Organometallic chemistry. In both oral and poster presentations, I was very inspired by very high level feedbacks and ideas.

(There was some suspicious critical opinion such as whether it was serious. Lol).

After the program, we went to a social gathering.

On the evening of the first day, I joined a drinking party with young researchers who have some connections with Kei-san and other students. It was very exciting and went to the second party to eat ramen and call it a day.

We partied too hard till the next morning and I did not realized that I was in the hotel room already. Luckily, I managed to get through the short talk safely.

On the second day, we should have gathered at the same time as M1 but we decided to join M2’s drinking party without being invited. Most people the party are PhD students. I think that there are many opportunities in the future so it was nice to have this kind of gathering.

Finally, photo of the meal eaten at the conference.

At Sendai, there were a lot of delicious seafood and beef tongue!

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