
A lecture at the Advanced Research Lecture

I gave a lecture at Advanced Research Lecture last week on Saturday, April 22. However, this event is not an external symposium but an event from the Japan Society for Applied Chemistry run by the University of Applied Chemistry OB.

The annual meeting of the Japan Society for Applied Chemistry is held once a year and lecture is held with the topic “a message from the faculty members :Adavnced Research Lectures”.

I arrived last year and this year, it is my second time. In fact, the schedule overlapped with the Keio Young Organic Chemistry Symposium which I participated before last year. So, Assistant Professor and students went to Keio without me. Lectures are consist of different fields so I decided to speak politely and understandable.

After the lecture, a social gathering with Applied chemistry members, some students and third-years students. It was nice talking to them. Other events such as lecture, scholarships events and help from them in operating a successful events. This is a considerable support system. Unfortunately, it is hard for young and mid-career people to join at each events.

Then, I went for a drink with two friends who suddenly appeared from Tsukuba. When we all turn 30 years old, we had lots of problems in life and I feels good talking to each other after a long time.

Postscript 4.30:I got a photo from them so I posted here.

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山口 潤一郎

教授 at 早稲田大学



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