
Seminar by Prof. Takuya Hashimoto

Hi everyone! This is Nakayama from B4. This is my first time writing a blog and I am feeling very nervous.

On May 19, Prof. Takuya Hashimoto from Kyoto University gave a lecture in Waseda University. I learned a lot from the story behind the development of various new molecular catalysts including the depths of the research..

I was personally very impressed by the fact that in order to create a new thing, he carried out over 1000 experiments.

Thank you Dr. Hashimoto for a wonderful lecture!

After the seminar, we have drinking party ! We held the drinking party at room 202 to thank Prof. Hashimoto and grand opening of room 202.

(I rarely eat fish because I live alone) but that day we ate seafood at a Izakaya. We had delicious sake and seafood but Asako-san has travelled to the dream world. Desperately thinking that I won’t let anyone take my identity. LOL

Now that we celebrated the commencement of Room 202, I would like to start with doing experiment! !

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