
97th Annual Meeting of the Chemical Society of Japan

I participated in the 97th Annual Meeting of the Chemical Society of Japan held at Keio University Hiyoshi Campus.

It was our first B4 conference presentation.

First Day(16/3)

First, I went to a company exhibition and got a lot of goods. Goods that can be received on a first-come-first-served basis, goods won by lottery, and goods that have been said to have seen “Chem-station” were not enough to fit in the bag.

Isshiki and Okita made a poster presentation in the afternoon.

Many people came to listen to our presentation and had a good discussion with us.

In the evening, I went to a drinking party organized by Sekiguchi Lab and interacted with about 80 different labs! I also met up with my senior from Yamashita Lab at subway seminar. The drinking party took 3 hours and it was quite hard core. There are many photos that can’t be posted on the blog (laughs).

Second Day (17/3)

Asako did his presentation and it was better than his presentation practice. so cool!

In the evening, I participated in a Chem-station party planned by Jun-san. The eye-catching tuna dismantling show was a masterpiece. However, there was a drinking party so I leave in the middle of the tuna cutting ceremony and left without eating sushi. (cries).

In the evening, I was invited to a drinking party planned by acquaintances from Osaka University, Koshiken Lab. On this day, about 80 people gathered for a 3-hours drinking party. After drinking, we headed to Shin-Yokohama and ate ramen with lids with the people of Nagoya University Itami and Ooi Labs.

After this, Komatsuda and Isshiki laughed together and went to Hiyoshi ramen. These guys are so funny (haha!).

Third day (18/3)

I went to listen to the presentations by seniors at Itami Lab and various laboratories. It was too tiring to have drinking party everyday…. (laughs).

In the evening, I participated in the celebration of the Itami Group Yasutoshi Segawa’s award for the Chemical Society of Japan Progress Award. The celebration started at 8pm so I went to a 0th drinking party with a member of Itami Lab. At the 0th drinking party, I am sorry I ruined the celebration because I passed out in the middle of the party. I will do my best next time.

Thanks to Jun-san and Kei-san’s old affiliation, Itami Lab always take the time to take after us in every academic conference. I am really glad that I get to meet all seniors and many people from the conference. Thank you for your continuous support.

I had a good experience from this conference because I have the opportunity to attend such a big academic conference and listen to many great research. This academic conference inspires me to work hard and be an active researcher next year!

In conclusion, I will summarize and end this experience with ramen.🍜


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