
Quarter Century Anniversary Banyu Symposium

All the laboratories have participated in the Quarter-century Commemoration Banyu Symposium held on December 3 (Saturday) at the University of Tokyo Hongo Campus.

The Banyu Symposium is a symposium held by the Banyu Life Science Promotion International Exchange Foundation * (Manyu Foundation) for the purpose of developing organic synthetic chemistry in Japan. It was held as an opportunity to express gratitude and respect to the Banyu Foundation which holds various projects such as the aforementioned Banyu Symposium.

※The Universal Exchange Foundation for Life Science Promotion changed its name to MSD Life Science Foundation on October 1, 2016.




The lecture starts at 1 pm so I went to a Ramen shop for lunch. went to Nemu-an, which was highly evaluated around the University of Tokyo. Niboshi and squid thick soup which is the specialty of this store. The squid taste very sweet and delicious which suits my taste very well. After finished eating ramen, I had more time than I had imagined so I took a walk around the University of Tokyo. This time is actually when autumn leaves of Ginkgo biloba starts falling beautifully and I took a commemorative photos just like tourists in front of Yasuda Auditorium and Red gate. By the way, this is my second time in University of Tokyo since taking the entrance exam.


The symposium was attended by famous Professors and many people were presented. The symposium itself was not only impressive but the attendees were more mind-blowing. I was quite nervous when entering the venue. When the lectures begin, it is all in English so it was hard to understand the content but listening to the stories of top Japanese researchers was a great experience. In particular, Prof. Itami’s lectures have a lot to do with research that I’ve heard before and there are many seniors who introduced many juniors as shown in the photos below.


After the symposium, we had a drinking party with OBOG students from Itami Lab. I was able to drink with Mr. Hirose and Mr. Ma (both D2) who have been taking care of my research. I don’t have much memory at the end of the drinking party but it was a fun drinking party.



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卒業生。この1年で7キロ増量!! ださいたま出身。



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