Hi, I am Asahara of B4.
Several pictures were often uploaded in Instagram but recently I started collecting local Kitty-chan.
I started a month ago and with the help of everyone in the laboratory and now there are 29 types! I didn’t expect to collect this much (laughs).
Now, I would like to post more of local Kitty-chan which I have received so far.
- 潤さんより。 たらい舟(左上)トキ(右上)柿の種(下)
- 慶さんより。 早稲田チア(左上)東大チア(右上)大阪城(左下)通天閣(真ん中)たこ焼き(右下)
- 大北さんより。左から大鳥居,桃太郎,かに,いくら,メロン
- 浅子さんより。左からシーサー,ジンベイザメ,花笠,清泉寮
- 一色さんより。ハワイキティ
- 小松田さんより。チマチョゴリキティ
- 淺原より。印籠キティ
- とびより。箱根バラキティ
- あみより。左から市松模様,水戸納豆,加賀友禅,時の鐘,シャチホコ
- 高原くんより。青森りんごキティ
- πくんより。華厳の滝キティ
- バブルより。天むすキティ
Even though local Kitty is relatively expensive but thank you so much for collecting it for me! (Especially overseas kitty is expensive which I cannot thank enough)
And to any Yamaguchi Lab members who are reading this blog, thank you for giving me a local Kitty! I will introduce it firmly in the next blog!
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