Goods purchased from Nagoya has finally reached but I rarely use so I placed it in room 202. I wonder when will work begin in room 202. I wish to thank the pharmaceutical company and Itami-san for sponsoring some of the equipment which cost millions. Research is very costly!
On Saturday, we did spring cleaning of the fume hoods and took a whole day to clean them. Thanks to everyone’s effort, the fume hoods are sparkling clean. A Chinese postdoctoral father from the Nagoya era wrote the calligraphy scroll and I hang it up. I think it will be the 5th round cleaning, article and reagent arrangement and setting up experimental tables.
- 物品がやまほと
- 1年以上もちます
- 買っておいてよかった
- 試薬類もいくつか
- ガラス器具もいっぱい
- ベンチにのりきらない
- 上置き追加。もう1段行こうか
- 掃除前。本当に汚かった
- 掃除前
- これは一度も掃除してないな…
- きたない
- 着色開始
- きれいになってきた
- 使用後。まだ色ムラがあるけども。
- ほぼ完成。きれいになりました!
- ポスドクにもらった掛け軸