
Graduation thesis submitted! Graduation thesis celebration + Welcome party for Komatsuda

On March 6 is the day for graduation thesis submission for the Yamaguchi Laboratory.

I compiled my research background and research content and wrote up the paper which is the compilation of this year thesis, “I did it with my own hands”.

A year ago, three people with almost no knowledge of organic chemistry has managed to grow this much. It is all thanks to Jun-san and Kei-san guidance. I am looking forward to working with you in the future.

New members will join the Yamaguchi Lab from the second half of February. He has appeared several times in our blog already. Komatsuda-kun is the same batch as me and is from Hosokawa Lab (neighboring lab) but will be (transferred to our laboratory starting April). He is a very smart person and I will do my best not to lose to him!

Therefore, today’s event is “Thank you for you hard work in graduation thesis  +  Welcome party for Komatsuda”. The place is at the previously used Chinese restaurant “Dairaba Shokudo”.

The sense of accomplishment of the graduation thesis increased the tension and the bottle of Shaoxing liquor that had been kept in bottles become drunk. The bottle of white sake (56 degrees) was also emptied. I caused a bit of trouble in the shop but I enjoyed the last drinking party with this small group.

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卒業生。この1年で7キロ増量!! ださいたま出身。



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