
Remodeling of room 201

On 31st August, a new “evaporator desk” arrived at Yamaguchi Lab.

Isolera which had occupied the experimental table also moved to the empty space in the draft for the new evaporator.

For a by-product of this redesign, I got a wonderful experimental environment where I could reach Evaprator, isolera, vacuum line, and desktop stirrer without moving one step. I am just a bit jealous that it is not possible to slide while sitting on a chair with casters to the oil bath and the weighing platform.

It was a simple change of design just by moving the experimental equipment but it is refreshing that the environment changes.

Seems to be able to work hard on a mind-turning experiment. The next day was a bad start because I have fallen over after a hangover.

Put jokes aside, the rumored cushion yogibo mini and the dumb bell that I picked up on the road joined the group.I hope we can have a dryer and a desk.

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