
49th Young Peptide Summer Study Meeting at Nagasaki

From August 5th to 7th, we participated in the 49th Young Peptide Summer Study Meeting. Jun-san went to an invited lecture and for me is a general lecture.

The study group for young students are…

“Young researchers who will be responsible for peptide research in the future by conducting active discussions with senior teachers who are starting from the basics of peptide research and challenging advanced research fields such as chemical biology and drug discovery, led by young peptide researchers by nurturing them.”

This year’s Peptide Study Group was held at the hotel “Nagasaki Blue Sky Hotel” in Inasayama, Nagasaki Prefecture, which was certified as the “New World Three Great Night View”. Click here for details.

Before departing, news has reported that a typhoon might be approaching Kyushu so I was very worried if the plane will be able to fly or not. Luckily, I was able to land at Nagasaki Airport without any problems. I went to the main venue after eating Nagasaki Champon Sushi at a commercial facility in Nagasaki city.

A total of 29 people including teachers and students did their presentations and we were able to hear many great lectures.

The contents ranged from peptide synthesis to biochemistry and there were many lectures which I could not understand. I realized that “peptide” is such a broad field. Jun-san did not talk about research at all but mainly focus on Chem-station only. I also gave a general lecture but I had a hard time memorizing the manuscript because it was a 10-minute presentation which was longer than the previous annual meeting. I was very nervous and half of my script which I had memorized before were all forgotten.

The social gathering was very busy. Moreover, I was very anxious because I don’t know any student there but I met a student who was reading this blog and was able to talk a lot.

On the second day, I called a taxi and went to the top of Mt. Inasa. It was such a beautiful view and finally understand why it is a certified new world night view. As recommended by the taxi driver, I went to the home of Masaharu Fukuyama, the Goddess Ohashi Bridge to see the night view on the opposite side of the mountain. It was a fun late night sightseeing.

With the power of everyone, the typhoon has diverted to the Pacific side and the weather was good (but rather I was sweating a lot), and left Nagasaki after a short sightseeing.

The atmosphere was good and it was a very fun study session so I decided to join again with Jun-san next year. Next year, our lab will have many undergraduates so I will bring whoever who looks strong. I wish to work harder to publish more paper so that I will be able to attend more study sessions.

Finally, I would like to thank the students, Dr. Ohba of Nagasaki University, Dr. Kato of Kagoshima University and Dr. Izumi of the National Institute of Health Sciences for organizing such a wonderful study session.


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卒業生。この1年で7キロ増量!! ださいたま出身。



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