Seminar, Dec, 16th, 2016: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yohei Takeda (Osaka Univ. )

We are pleased to announce that we will hold a seminar entitled “Development of Synthetic Methods of Functional Azaheterocycles Based on Oxidative Transformation of Amine Compounds” by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yohei Takeda on 16th December (Friday).


Speaker:Assoc. Prof, Dr. Yohei Takeda(Osaka University)

Development of Synthetic Methods of Functional Azaheterocycles Based on Oxidative Transformation of Amine Compounds

Time:Dec 16th, 2016 16:30-18:00

Venue:#1 meeting room, 55 builid. N, Waseda University

Dr. Takeda (born in 1981) was educated in chemistry at Waseda University in 2005, and graduate at Kyoto University (PhD with Profs. Hiyama) in 2010. From 2010 to 2011, he was JSPS Post Doctoral Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (with Prof. Timothy M. Swager, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA). In 2011, he has been an assistatnt professor at Osaka University, and promoted associate professor in 2015.  His research interests include the development of novel pi-conjugated functional materials based on nitrogen or phosphorus-containig heterocycles; development of metal-catalyzed useful transformation of saturated N-heterocycels; utilization of halogen bonding in organic synthesis and materials chemistry.