
Tour at Tokyo University Lab

For several days in the last week, students were unable to enter the university due to Waseda’s university entrance examination …

For several days from last week, students were unable to enter the university due to Waseda’s university entrance examination …

So I took advantage of this holiday visit Jun’s acquaintance’s laboratory in Tokyo University yesterday. Before going there, I wanted to have lunch at a ramen shop around the University of Tokyo (although it takes more than 5 minutes by car).

Unfortunately, the shop I wanted to go was close because of a regular so I went to another shop called 「麺の坊 砦」. It is almost the same as Ippudo which is a tonkatsu ramen (pork bone ramen soup). But compare to Takadanobaba, this shop is a bit pricey.

関連ランキング:ラーメン | 神泉駅駒場東大前駅池尻大橋駅

Fully satisfied with lunch so I finally go to the University of Tokyo Institute of Production Technology! I was overwhelmed by the tremendous size of a building that was on par with Waseda.

First, I visited Dr. Yusuke Sunada’s laboratory which specializes in complex chemistry (top photo). The full-scale of laboratory will start from next year onwards which was guided by him. I was very surprised that the large scale of the room.

I would like to use this knowledge and ideas of the creating a good environment lab and apply it to Yamaguchi Lab. Thank you very much.

Next, I visited Prof. Minami, the neighboring laboratory. The research content of Minami Laboratory was already presented at a subway seminar in August last year but Prof. Minami re-explained the research content to us again. I also visited the laboratory but it was very inspiring because there were lot of unfamiliar devices which are electronic devices such as sensors.


After that, we went to Komaba Campus and meet Dr. Jun Terao without appointment. However, he was absent because of a business trip.

Next, I went to Dr. Asai’s laboratory who I met at the Young Symposium of Keio Organic Chemistry in May last year. However, Dr. Asai was absent too and I could not see the lab which was just established recently.

Jun-san went home after greeting him with his business card in between Asai-sensei’s magnet to let him know that he had come (laughs).

Thank you to all the professors for meeting me and members of Yamaguchi Lab.


All the labs visited today are new labs established within one year. Promising researchers who are all very active are expected to play an active role in the future. Since all the labs are situated are quite near to each other, I hope to collaborate with them to make interesting chemistry.


  • 砂田研:錯体化学・クラスター化学
  • 南研:超分子材料デザイン・分子センサー
  • 寺尾研:有機電子材料開発
  • 浅井研:天然物化学
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