
Suzuki-san and students came to visit

Matsui-kun’s カタラーナ cannot be thawed so I decided to write another article about it. The other day, Associate Professor Takahiro Suzuki from the Tanino Laboratory, Hokkaido University and a student (Kan Yamaga) from Hokkaido University!

Suzuki-san is a friend from Scripps Research Laboratories whom I worked together with on research. I was originally from the Nakata Laboratory at Waseda University. After being an assistant professor at Tokyo University of Science, I was also an assistant professor for about a year at the laboratory of the late lecturer, Professor Shimizu. This time he is around the area so he decided to drop by. Mr. Yamaga is also a Master’s student but he is from Waseda’s Department of Applied Chemistry and has moved to Hokkaido University with Dr. Suzuki. He will then continue to study Ph.D at Hokkaido University.

Some souvenirs came from Hokkaido and I was hoping for a crab (lie) but I had a Hokkaido ramen assortment!.

It might be 麺パー again……Thank you very much.

Suzuki-san will give a lecture at our university next year!

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山口 潤一郎

教授 at 早稲田大学



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