
Suzuki-san came for a visit

The other day, Dr. Makoto Suzuki, a 2nd year doctoral student from Itami Laboratory, Nagoya University visited us in Tokyo. He is the leader of the synthesis department of my group in Nagoya.

Click here for related papers and reviews:Synthesis of all arylated aromatic molecules : Free production of multi-substituted benzenes

It seems like he has decided his future after graduation.

If I recall, when he was an undergraduate student, I once asked him “Are you alright?” (bitter smile). But things changes when he was his second year of Master’s degree whereby he looks like he is enjoying doing experiment. At that time, I thought “it is a waste to let this kid off to the working world”.

“What if you study for doctoral course? Have you ever thought about it?”I asked him.

He was already entering the company’s welcome party and decided to refuse after I asked him (it was a inconvenience caused to that company at that time). He then chose to enroll into doctoral program,.

Since then, he have fully blossomed his research capabilities and have been doing his own research. There is still one more year to go but I am sure if you got into a company, you will be an active leader in the future.

I received a cake but sorry it cannot be seen in the picture. (← I ate lunch already) and went to 鶏千. Eat a big meal and fill your stomach. Asako has a lot of unpublished results so I want to release it all in another year.

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山口 潤一郎

教授 at 早稲田大学



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