
Noodle Party

The noodles which I have received as a souvenir is about to expire so I started a noodle party (noodle par) in the lab. The noodles I received is about 20 servings. Hence, I invited undergraduate students from Hosokawa lab to join us.

The first round is Taiwan ramen which is a specialty from Nagoya. The second is miso stewed udon. To be honest, the taste was better than Yamamotoya. At this point, our stomach were already filled. Then, the third round is Santōka. The fourth is a soy sauce ramen from Asahikawa’s famous bee shop. The fifth is miso ramen. I’m already full. Left with two servings and stir-fry vegetables with the remaining vegetables and meat left to stir-fry. In the end, It was a very good noodle par after all.


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山口 潤一郎

教授 at 早稲田大学



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