
Drinking party for End of exam & June babies

HI! Its been a long time since I wrote a blog. I am Asahara who always got drunk in drinking party.

On Wednesday of this week, we had a drinking party for Prof. Hashimoto and this Wednesday is ” I, Tobi and Hisada-kun worked hard for exam (!?) and birthday celebration for members who are born in June!

The first drinking party venue is at Sakae dori and if you are a Waseda University student, you will go there frequently!

Everyone was quite excited to drink after a long time!

Second drinking party is at Juumaru!

After the second drinking party, I continue to drink more in the lab.

Because I got drunk so quickly, I could only show you some photos from the drinking party. It was so fun and great drinking party!

I am so happy that I passed the exam and will be able to graduate and promote to Master’s program. Thankful!

I will aim for first place next time! 😉

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