I participated in the 52nd Natural Product Chemistry Conference from July 5th to 7th.
Venue is Atagawa Heights. Click here for program.
Natural Products Chemistry Conference is
“In addition to Natural Product Organic Chemistry, researchers from various fields such as medicinal chemistry, organic synthesis, and molecular biology related to “Life Sciences” met together and listened to academic lectures for “hot discussions”. 3 days and 2 nights of “Youth Club” (from the discourse website)
That is why about 200 people participated from influential figures to companies as well as post-doctoral students and undergraduates.
Izu Atagawa is a one-way road from the city center and takes about 3 hours.
- 部屋からの眺め
- 食事は結構よかった。夕食のバイキング
Lecture and Poster presentation
First is a lecture and this time, there are 10 professors and 4 young researchers gave a lecture. As mentioned above, the contents were a little difficult because of the wide variety of medium molecular medicine, nucleic acid medicine, biology and more concentrating on natural product organic chemistry. I’ve learned a lot from this lecture.
Poster presentations on the first and second nights.
I was able to have various discussions with many people in a friendly atmosphere.
My presentation was on the second day at night. Moreover, I am the only one from Yamaguchi Lab. So, I did my presentation carefully and wisely so that I won’t present about natural products. After the poster presentation, we went to an empty room to drink until morning. Some people fell into the pool … (laughs).
In this small party, I was able to interact with so many people and I am particularly happy that I am able to talk with seniors from the doctoral course.
- 講演会会場(参加者が入ると完全に埋まる)
- もはや定番の慶應・千田研の須藤さん(掲載許可有)
- 東大・渡邉研と関西学院大・山田研のみなさん
- ちゃんと発表した証拠写真
In the afternoon of the second day was an excursion day so we are free to do anything we like. Then, we went for a walk around Banana Crocodile Garden & Atagawa Hot Spring Town.
As you can see from the pictures below, the place is quite empty because because it is a weekday before summer vacation. After going to the sea, I went back to the inn and went to the Banana Crocodile Garden. I did not expect much because it was written as “Atagawa’s strongest Class B spot” and I examined online beforehand and the quality was as expected. (Lol).
By the way, Banana Crocodile Garden is where banana garden and crocodile garden are located. There is no banana crocodile animal. (I misunderstood).
However, there are no more than 200 crocodiles and tropical plants, red pandas, parakeets, manatees and fish. I was wandering which is the main attraction. If you have a chance to go to Atagawa, be sure to check it out.
- シャッター商店街。夏は盛り上がるのかなあ。
- 銭洗いと温泉卵が作れるらしい
- 同部屋の北大・谷野研の堀口さんと東北大・林研の荒瀬くん
- この日が今シーズン最大の賑わいを見せたであろうバナナワニ園
- 細川研・宇田川とワニ
- 宇田川がどうしても見たかったオオハス。乗ってはいけない。
A round-table discussion before returning home
I was picked up by Yamaguchi-ken of M1 with Udagawa-kun from Hosokawa Lab together and returned to lab safely. (Thank you so much for picking me up!). It was a great experience overall and if I have the chance, I want to go again.
- 帰りの道の駅で食べた海鮮丼
- お土産を持ってご満悦の茅嶋
Summer is finally here! This year, four M1 members are going to participate in different young people’s meetings and symposiums.
The symposium was good and I hope to go to different kind of seminars and conferences!
Finally, I would like to thank the teachers and students, including Prof. Hirokawa of Keio University’s Faculty of Science and Technology who prepared and operated this event.
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