The 63rd Organometallic Chemistry Conference was held at the Nishiwaseda Campus for 3 days from 14th to 16th !
I have already written about the people who visited the lab (here) so I would like to introduce the atmosphere of the society and “after the conference” together.
It was a very large society where teachers and students from universities all over the country came together to make oral and poster presentations. My research theme seems to be able to fit into the field of organometallic chemistry so I find my research absolutely diverse and interesting.
- 口頭発表会場
- ポスター発表会場
- 伊丹研M2柊哉さんのポスター発表。
Since, we have just entered the lab not long ago so we were not able to do any presentations. However, we are given the opportunity to interact with people from various universities. Drinking party was held too!
The first day was with the students of Itami Laboratory, Nagoya University! Jun (Mr. Yamaguchi) and Kei (Mr. Muto) are able to meet their old friends after a long time.
- 一次会!顔真っ赤だ…
- イケメンM2柊哉さん
- 圧倒的合成力の浅子。まだ起きてますね。
- 伊藤さんと人柄もアゴも素敵なM1松岡さん
- 二次会もしっかりありました!
- 圧倒的爆睡。松岡さんもおやすみです。
The second day was planned by Junya-san, with the students of Nagoya University’s Yuken, Hokkaido University’s Ito Lab and Yamamoto Group, Osaka University’s Ogoshi Lab, and Kyoto University’s Nakao Lab!
- 本当に楽しかったです!
- 腕を組みピースをする一色。珍しい…
On the other hand, Mr. Jun seemed to have participated in the social gathering held at the co-op and received a photo.
- 柴田先生の挨拶
- 柴田研の方々
Thank you to everyone!
Besides that, my own personal story, I was able to meet Takuya Kosukegawa, a high school classmate of mine! He belongs to the Takao laboratory of Tokyo Tech. Let’s work hard together!
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