Our Blogみんなのブログ

Visit by Yagi-san

On April 20, Ms. Akiko Yagi, Assistant Professor of Itami Laboratory from Nagoya University visited the laboratory. Ms. Yagi was in the same batch as

Lecture by Dr. Keisuke Omatsu

Hello everyone! This Ishitobi from B4! I am very nervous because it is the first time in B4! Lol!On April 19th, Prof. Omatsu of Oi laboratory from

#Asako’s paper

On 31st March 2017, I have submitted my paper to Tetrahedron!This paper was written together with Mr. Hayashi and Makoto of Itami Lab and Mr. Amai

Graduation ceremony 2017

One year has passed since I came to Waseda. It's been a year since we started from zero with three undergraduates and Assistant Professor Muto. The  u