I participated in the 97th Annual Meeting of the Chemical Society of Japan held at Keio University Hiyoshi Campus.
It was our first B4 conference presentation.
First Day(16/3)
First, I went to a company exhibition and got a lot of goods. Goods that can be received on a first-come-first-served basis, goods won by lottery, and goods that have been said to have seen “Chem-station” were not enough to fit in the bag.
- お世話になってるSciFinder
- 慶さんのお知り合い
- 慶さんの成果
- B4の成果
- TCIシャツを当てて喜びの一筆
- 渡辺化学の抽選も当てて神ってる
- 伊丹研八木さん瀧瀬さんと元素ネイル。
- 慶さんネイル。Pt Pd Ni
Isshiki and Okita made a poster presentation in the afternoon.
Many people came to listen to our presentation and had a good discussion with us.
- エーテル化
- アルキニル化
In the evening, I went to a drinking party organized by Sekiguchi Lab and interacted with about 80 different labs! I also met up with my senior from Yamashita Lab at subway seminar. The drinking party took 3 hours and it was quite hard core. There are many photos that can’t be posted on the blog (laughs).
- 序盤から一色はハイペース
- ピース一色
- ピース一色その2
- 伊丹研松岡さんとあご比べ
- 弱い仲間を見つけて喜ぶ浅子
- 結局二人とも撃沈
- 柊哉さん部屋に浅子
- 松岡さん部屋には一色
Second Day (17/3)
Asako did his presentation and it was better than his presentation practice. so cool!
In the evening, I participated in a Chem-station party planned by Jun-san. The eye-catching tuna dismantling show was a masterpiece. However, there was a drinking party so I leave in the middle of the tuna cutting ceremony and left without eating sushi. (cries).
- 依光研助教野木さんとB4土屋君
- 本マグロ
- 赤身
- 頭とカマ
- お寿司本当に食べたかった..
- 玉尾先生と山本先生。この場にも居たかった…
In the evening, I was invited to a drinking party planned by acquaintances from Osaka University, Koshiken Lab. On this day, about 80 people gathered for a 3-hours drinking party. After drinking, we headed to Shin-Yokohama and ate ramen with lids with the people of Nagoya University Itami and Ooi Labs.
- 他の卓よりはしっぽりな飲み会
- 南方研の三輪さんと秦くん
- 浅子と川井くんは今日もお休み
- 新横浜でフタ
After this, Komatsuda and Isshiki laughed together and went to Hiyoshi ramen. These guys are so funny (haha!).
Third day (18/3)
I went to listen to the presentations by seniors at Itami Lab and various laboratories. It was too tiring to have drinking party everyday…. (laughs).
In the evening, I participated in the celebration of the Itami Group Yasutoshi Segawa’s award for the Chemical Society of Japan Progress Award. The celebration started at 8pm so I went to a 0th drinking party with a member of Itami Lab. At the 0th drinking party, I am sorry I ruined the celebration because I passed out in the middle of the party. I will do my best next time.
- 横浜で0次会
- 日本酒を結構飲みました
- 浅子初めからスヤスヤ
- 全然起きない
- 八木さんと乾杯
- 初めてご一緒に飲めました
- これからもよろしくお願いします
- 浅子一度も乾杯せず完敗
Thanks to Jun-san and Kei-san’s old affiliation, Itami Lab always take the time to take after us in every academic conference. I am really glad that I get to meet all seniors and many people from the conference. Thank you for your continuous support.
I had a good experience from this conference because I have the opportunity to attend such a big academic conference and listen to many great research. This academic conference inspires me to work hard and be an active researcher next year!
In conclusion, I will summarize and end this experience with ramen.🍜