
Seminar at Takeda Pharmaceutical

I gave a lecture at Takeda Pharmaceutical on December 15 (Thu) at Osaka (Juso). My schedule on that day was taking the Shinkansen in the morning and headed for Osaka and then directly head to Takeda by Shin-Osaka taxi and had a little “plan” at Juso station. I wonder if I should eat ramen as I always do during seminars or conferences. For that purpose, I will try my best to prepare my power point slides and go to the ramen shop with a light heart. At Juso station, there is a famous ramen shop called 「くそオヤジ最後のひとふり」. It is a ramen restaurant that was recommended by Mr. H and he has always wanted to eat whenever he came here. Actually, I was going to after social gathering but there was another errand to run after that so I go here fo lunch.

The shop is a small shop close to Juso Station and about 15 people can fit in here.. From the name, it seems that there is a stubborn father present but actually, it is a relatively fashionable ramen shop. The lines were not long so I quickly book myself a seat (7,8 people were already queueing after I eat finish).

I ordered the famous Asari Ramen(880円)and it came for about 5 minutes. It looks beautifully plated and taste really good. Although, I have tried some shellfish ramen shop and I love it too. As for the taste, 「人類みな麺類」is more delicious compared to this but if you happen to stop at Juso station, please try this shop.

関連ランキング:ラーメン | 十三駅

Alright, one job is over! I went to Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. for a good purpose. Most of the process chemistry departments will move to Shonan so coming here will be the first and last. The site is very large and I felt that it is the No. 1 pharmaceutical industry.

The other day, I have changed my compute to MacBook Pro but the content could not be reflected in the projector. Even if I change to another projector but it still cannot work. So, in this frustrated situation, I borrowed a laptop using Windows and move file to give a lecture. I can only use USB-C to move files and sorry for the inconvenience caused. If you have purchased a new Macbook Pro, please be careful. Due to the compatibility of Windows and Mac, the fonts were changed, the drawings were all messed up and it was weird but I managed to present them well. A lot of questions came and I was amazed with the fast response from Takeda researchers. In addition to the 30-minute question time, many questions were asked in the separate room for over an hour. To be honest, I am tired but very thankful.

Later, further discussion in the cafeteria was held in the office. It was a very fulfilling day with many talks with Dr. Takeda (although most of them were not related to chemistry).

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the researchers at Takeda Pharmaceutical

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山口 潤一郎

教授 at 早稲田大学



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