The first laboratory trip since the establishment of the laboratory with only three students . It was the first time that it was officially the Uminohikai in summer. There were 14 participants, including a third-year student assigned to our laboratory and a secretary, Mr. Yamada. Next year, two people will be joining the lab making a total of 16 people.
The venue will be held at Kohei, Nagano. It is 2 days and 1 night trip at a seminar house at Waseda University.
First day
The first destination is Ueda City. I haven’t seen it yet, but it’s a city that is attracting a lot of attention in the Taiga drama “Sanda Maru“. First, we went to Nakamuraya, the local famous udon restaurant, to eat the famous “makin udon”. The udon is so sweet and soft. I also ate horse sashimi. Does the rain finally stopped?
- 中村屋
- 馬肉うどんセット
- うしろがうつりこんでいる
- こっちのうしろはたべるのに夢中
- 美味しくいただきました
- 馬刺し
Then, we go to Ueda castle. It was the residence of Yukimura Sanada and as mentioned above, there were a lot of people who are attracted to the Taiga drama. Ueda Castle is not a castle tower but has a beautiful fence with autumn leaves which falls gracefully. I think this is the best time to visit. Fortunately, the rain stops and the weather is clear now.
- めちゃめちゃきれい
- 晴れてきた
- いい景色
- 天守閣はないので櫓のみ
- ばっちりの季節
- 大河ドラマ特集
- 各々ふらふらと
- おみくじ
- 大吉!
- うちの真田丸
- 学生紅一点。さっきも食ってたような
- まだ元気
- お参りもしました
- 狛犬?でしょうか
- これは傘です
Then, we purchase various kinds of local sake, wine and souvenirs at Michi-no-Eki and a famous hotel. We arrives at seminar house after 5 o’clock. Surprisingly, it was beautiful but it seems to have weird smell when I open the window. The student room is very unique. For the time being, its dinner time and I can eat a lot.
After meal, we all headed to take a bath and then moving on o the main event. Most of the photos are posted here but all pictures look like they are enjoying the trip. Unexpectedly, I went to bed early.
- うれしそう
- 先輩っぽい
- まだ元気
- もうすぐ寝る
- 何回戦だろコレ?
- カンペイ!
- 美声
- はいおやすみなさい。
Second day
I woke up at 7.30 in the morning and have breakfast. I slept twice after the meal and took a group photo and left around 10.00. One of my students had a bad hangover but anyway we are moving on to the next main event which is “Mallet golf”.
マレットゴルフ (English: Mallet Golf) is a sport that uses sticks and balls to pass through a goal hole with a small number of strokes. This competition was born in Japan and was named after golf using Kiso (Mallett’s etymology).
Nagano Prefecture has many mallet golf courses so we divide ourselves into 4 teams and about 12-15 holes for each team. It wasn’t enough to play but it is cheap and I highly recommend here.
- セミナーハウス前にて
- チームA
- チームB
- チームC
- チームD
- やまださん
- たかはら
- おおきた
- いっしきとさいとう
- あさこ
- いしとび
- なかやま
- あれ?
- あさはら
- むとう
- ほし
- あれあれ?
- いっしき
- ねずみ
- がに股
After mallet golf, we went to a soba restaurant called “Kusue“. This restaurant is famous for its buckwheat noodles. Even though, we made a reservation before but the service took a long time but the soba is delicious.
- 蜂天国?とそばやが一緒の敷地に
- はちに食われる浅子
- 大盛りにしたら1kgとなった
- おいしく頂きました。
- これはもつ煮定食
- いただきます!
I felt full and satisfied then I go to a hot spring. After that, we on a road trip to return home using Fujioka PA (Highway Oasis). There was no traffic jam on the way back and managed to go home safely.
- 藤岡のハイウェイオアシス
- カップル誕生
- 邪魔者現る
This is the end of the first lab trip with the new undergraduate students and I enjoyed it very much. Thank you to the undergrads who planned this trip.
山口 潤一郎
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