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Visitor 15

O-Chugen received from Yoshidomi-kun, Kajino-kun and Hattori-san.It took a while but the day before Open Campus, Yoshitomi, D3, from Itami Laborat

Visitor 14 and summer gift 4

Today, Ms. Kubota paid a visit to our lab. She is a Master's graduate from Itami Lab of Nagoya University. Although, she belongs to different group bu

Visitors 10-12 and summer gifts 3

For 3 days, many visitors came to visit. This Thursday, Dr Uno, a Phd student from Rikkyo University came to Tokyo to measure compound stability. Than

Second set of gifts arrived!

The second O-chugen has arrived!Thank you for sending so many gifts!「Jelly, ice-set」as sent by Atsushi Yamaguchi who graduated from Nagoya Univers

Summer Gifts 2016

Japan has two major gift giving seasons each year: O-chugen in the summer time and o-seibo at the year end. The term O-chugen refers to both the seaso