
7th Subway Seminar

On 22ndAugust, we participated in the 7thSubway seminar at Rikkyo University. This seminar is a meeting where young faculty members, graduate students and undergraduate students from universities in the Tokyo area gather to deepen exchanges through lectures, poster presentations and social gatherings.

This time, nearly 100 researchers from various universities such as University of Tokyo, Rikkyo University, Ochanomizu University, Tokyo University of Science, Chuo University, Waseda University, and University of Tsukuba. I had the privilege to speak on stage as a lecturer.

Before that, I went to Rikkyo University and then everyone went to a nearby ramen shop in front of Rikkyo University. Actually, I wanted to go the famous restaurant called Noodle Shop Goto but I could not make it. Instead, I ate a mysterious ramen called Gagana ramen.


Related ranking:Ramen | Ikebukuro station, Kanamecho station, Shiinamachi station

After my lecture, about 5 students presented. I was able to listen interestingly because they came from various fields. It was also a good opportunity to interact with people who had never been there before. After the social gathering, the second party was a drinking party with Yamaguchi Lab and Yamashita Lab of Chuo University.  Some photos are uploaded only because some are very blur. Eventually Asako sleeps again.

Next year, it will be held at Tokyo University of Science. Thanks to Dr. Morimoto of Rikkyo University for organizing this time.

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山口 潤一郎

教授 at 早稲田大学



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