Our Blogみんなのブログ

Experiment start

Yesterday, experiment has started! The pictures below commemorate the first step of experiments carried out by the undergraduate students. My advice i

Visitor 4

Today, Dr. Hiroki Kondo, Ph.D. student from Itami Laboratory has visited Yamaguchi Laboratory all the way from Nagoya. His research theme is breaking

Seminar: Dr. Mizoguchi

It was an honor to attend a lecture presented by Dr. Mizoguchi, a postdoctoral researcher at Dartmouth College, USA (research contents). The research

Korean barbecue2

Hey, I'm Takashi Asako, undergrad student at Yamaguchi group.We celebrated on korean BBQ for 16th anniversary of Chem-Station as well as "almost"

Visitor Part3

Dr. Matsui, who is an alumni of Itami Lab has paid a visit for the second time to our laboratory. He was in the same batch as Assistant Professor, Kei

Lab name plate

Without realization, the laboratory name plate is up!. A little more for laboratory startup! It took for at least 1 month, but hopefully I can officia

Ramen around Waseda Univ. Part 2

My previous article on "ramen around Waseda Univ part 1" had a lot views from everyone so I decided to talk about ramen again. I am so annoyed with th

Setting up labware

The setup of the equipment was almost finished before Golden Week. Here are some of the equipments from the Yamaguchi laboratory from manufacturers