Hi. I am Asahara from B4.
A laboratory trip organized by B4 was held in Kamogawa for two days on 28th and 29th.
There are a total of 26 members, “Jun-san + Kei-san + Secretary Yamada-san + D1 Mickey + M1 people 5 + B4 8 + B3 9”, which seems to have increased considerably compared to last year’s laboratory trip (haha).
As in instagram, I chartered a large bus for the first time at a laboratory event.
1st day
We travelled by bus and divided the groups by 5 groups so that we can be close to B3!
- クイズ:スネ夫の苗字は?
- Ph-SMAPの構造は?
- 研究室ブログの記事の数は?
- 告白ゲームで胸を打たれるかやしま
Since it was via Aqualine, we took a break at Seaside Hotaru. Unfortunately, I could not buy Sea Firefly Kitty …
- 海ほたる
- 生憎の曇り
- 早めのおやつ購入
- キティwithチーバくん購入
We ate sashimi for lunch at the Hota cafeteria just after getting off the aqua line.
- おいしそう
- 食した
- 苦手な魚に挑戦(苦しそう)
After enjoying the seafood, we went to do hand-craft pottery at the Kamogawa Ceramic Museum. Although, I am a clumsy man but I recommend it because I enjoyed it without any major failure.
- 気合十分
- 職人の目つき
- 化合物を書くのがトレンド
After a long time, we finally reached the seminar house after satisfied with the art sense. After a long wait, its dinner time!
- デカい舟盛り(5000円)
- お頭大好き
- 一人だけ間違いがいます
- 一番張り切ってるやつは魚食えない
- ツマ完食!
After having dinner, it is a drinking party. Probably it is the main event (?) of this camp!
- 準備万端!
- 開会のあいさつ
First, its the bus team results announcement! The first place is Kei’s team! It is a gorgeous prize GET!
On the other hand, the team Kitty I belonged to was unfortunately the last place … The punishment game was reverse Russian using alcohol.
- 国民的玩具の妖精
- 何に使う気なのか…
- スクラッチくじ入手でご満悦
- うれしそう
- マック株主優待券Get!
- B3がいようと容赦なし
After the announcement of the results of Bus team, the usual drinking party would begin … I was surprised that a birthday surprise was held for me and B3 Sugimoto. Thank you for the birthday cake and the heavy rain!
- サプライズケーキ
- めでたいツーショット
After this it was a drinking party as usual (?) Lol. I fell asleep on the way but more than half of them continued until 4:30 the next morning. It seems that almost all third graders were still alive. I will do my best not lose in this 4 years.
- 謎の生物
- いや違う気がする
- 合唱サークルの美声
- ふらついた
- のりのりです
- 右頬に注目
- 暴発寸前
- トーキョーディズニーシー
- 高身長対決
- まだいきてます
- どっち?
- 学院トリオ
- 両手に花
- 気持ちが悪い
- プロレス
- おそろい
- そろそろねむい
- お疲れ様でした!
2nd day
Thanks to the drinking party that continued until early in the morning, the second day became quite ugly.
After leaving the seminar house on this day, we ate at the hotel crescent moon for lunch. Lunch buffet + hot spring & pool, but group photo was shared. Sorry🙇
The number of people increased greatly compare to last year and the drinking party was also rough. However, I was very happy because I am able to celebrate my birthday! I’m really thankful to everyone!
I hope we will have another enjoyable lab trip next year😉
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