Our Blogみんなのブログ

Suzuki-san and students came to visit

Matsui-kun's カタラーナ cannot be thawed so I decided to write another article about it. The other day, Associate Professor Takahiro Suzuki from the Tanino

Itami Lab students came to visit

A visit by Mr. Saito, second year doctoral student, Mr. Oshima, first year, Shinya Yamada, 2nd year, Koga-kun, 1st year from Itami Laboratory of Nagoy

Tani-kun came to visit

A few days ago, a visitor came to visit us, It was quite surprising especially those who came from Itami Laboratory.Tan-kun is the first undergrad

Miyamura-san visit

Halloween? Is anything delicious? That was uninterested I am in anything. However, Mr. Miyamura came to visit. Mr. Miyamura is a researcher at Otsuka

Visitor 14 and summer gift 4

Today, Ms. Kubota paid a visit to our lab. She is a Master's graduate from Itami Lab of Nagoya University. Although, she belongs to different group bu

Visitors 10-12 and summer gifts 3

For 3 days, many visitors came to visit. This Thursday, Dr Uno, a Phd student from Rikkyo University came to Tokyo to measure compound stability. Than


Today, two visitors came to visit Yamaguchi Lab. Mr. Takuya Kobayakawa, Ph.D. student at Tamamura Laboratory, Tokyo Medical and Dental University paid

Visitor 6

Today, Nagae, Obi, and Nishigaya, who are juniors at Hayashi lab (when I was grad students), visited my laboratory.They used to be undergraduates

Visitor 5

The day before yesterday, Chisa Kobayashi, who is a former student of my group visited at my laboratory.Thank you for coming here!It seems like sh