Our Blogみんなのブログ

Visitor 5

The day before yesterday, Chisa Kobayashi, who is a former student of my group visited at my laboratory.Thank you for coming here!It seems like sh

Visitor 4

Today, Dr. Hiroki Kondo, Ph.D. student from Itami Laboratory has visited Yamaguchi Laboratory all the way from Nagoya. His research theme is breaking

Visitor Part3

Dr. Matsui, who is an alumni of Itami Lab has paid a visit for the second time to our laboratory. He was in the same batch as Assistant Professor, Kei


Dr. Hata, who is an alumni of Itami lab visited our laboratory. Than you for your gift!

Visitor-Mr. Kajino

Mr. Kajino, an alumni of the Itami Laboratory of Nagoya University visited our laboratory on the way back from his business trip. Currently, he is con