Versatile Deacylative Cross-coupling of Aromatic Ketones

Nakahara, H.; Isshiki, R.; Kubo, M; Iizumi, K.: Muto, K.; Yamaguchi, J.
Chem. 2024 online now.
DOI 10.1016/j.chempr.2024.07.002

Cross-coupling reactions between aryl electrophiles and nucleophiles are essential for synthesizing substituted aromatic compounds found in many pharmaceuticals and chemicals. Aromatic ketones, however, present a significant challenge due to their robust C–C bonds, which are difficult to cleave for use in cross-coupling as aryl electrophiles.

To address this, we focused on Claisen and regioselective retro-Claisen condensation reactions. By using these reactions, we can convert aromatic ketones into aromatic esters. These esters are then capable of undergoing decarbonylative cross-coupling reactions with different nucleophiles, effectively transforming them into useful substituted aromatics. This approach allows for the efficient use of aromatic ketones as aryl electrophiles in a straightforward, one-pot process, breaking down a significant barrier in cross-coupling reaction technology.